
List of the Editorial Team

  1. Dr. James E. Conable, Editor-in-Chief.
  2. Dr. Kent Stphen, Director of Manuscript Acquisition.
  3. Dr. Cecilia Mend, Director of Operation.
  4. Ann Stuma, Head of Dissertation Editing Team.
  5. Nilea Kenneth, Head of Master Thesis Editing Team.
  6. Justin Wool, Head of Bachelor Thesis Editing Team.
  7. Loma Kulle, Biography Composer, Copy Editor.
  8. Marcus Benard, Memoir Composer, Copy Editor.
  9. Stefan, Lam, Biography Composer, Copy Editor.
  10. Vladimir Lula, Biography Composer, Copy Editor.
  11. Able, Hall, Memoir Composer, Copy Editor.
  12. Margaret Oken, Memoir Composer, Copy Editor.
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