
Joel Newman (Operation Director)

Joel Newman is a seasoned professional, boasting a quarter-century of expertise in teaching and editing. His academic journey began at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, where he secured a Bachelor’s degree in Business and Finance. This was further enriched with a Master’s in Communication Studies from the University of Pennsylvania.

In his early career, Joel carved a niche as a professional learning facilitator, laying the foundation for the roles he would undertake in the future. Today, Joel stands at the forefront of his company, overseeing its day-to-day operations with an unwavering commitment.

More than just a supervisor, Joel is the backbone that supports the company’s editors, coaches, and mentors, steering them towards realizing their utmost potentials. His passion is evident in his endeavors to assist university students and organizational leaders, equipping them with the right attitudes to attain their objectives.

Furthermore, Joel dons the hat of a professional coach and mentor in the company’s leadership and management development training program. Here, he leverages his rich experience and profound knowledge to shape the next generation of leaders.

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